Our Commitment to NARD & VDI

Garlock Senior Application Engineer Ralf is involved in standard committees such as NARD and DIN for calculations according to DIN EN 1591-1, the determination of characteristic values according to EN13555 or the new TA-Luft (German Clean Air Act) and is even active in the EU as a German expert.

Application engineers at Garlock GmbH never get bored. The development and elaboration of sealing and application solutions, the support of projects and processes as well as the conception and feasibility testing of customer-specific applications are only the beginning of a wide range of tasks.

Ralf, who has been working for many years in the team of application engineers at Garlock GmbH, has developed as a product specialist in the field of static seals, in addition to his classic tasks, into a standardisation specialist in the chemical and petrochemical sector for seals and flanges.

Participation in standardisation committees such as NARD and DIN enables Ralf to exchange interdisciplinary knowledge with full-time and voluntary employees and to contribute his special expertise in all departments at Garlock. In addition, he is also active here for our customers, because environmental protection and compliance with standards for products, applications and installations is of particular concern to us at Garlock. Keeping the air clean is one of the goals of the VDI https://www.vdi.de/tg-fachgesellschaften/vdi-kommission-reinhaltung-der-luft-krdl. In the NARD (DIN Standards Committee for Piping and Steam Boiler Systems) he deals with national standardisation through DIN https://www.din.de/de/mitwirken/normenausschuesse/nard. In addition, as a German expert at DIN, he is also active at EU level in the Technical Committee74 in the creation and editing of EU standards. Here he was recently able to contribute to the revision of prEN13555, revising a passage which, among other things, misrepresented PTFE gaskets in the standard. So now our image carrier GYLON can continue to be used properly for customers.

Especially the draft for the adaptation of the TA-Luft in Germany keeps Ralf busy since the publication of the speaker's view 2016.

For the operators of industrial plants, the planned changes mean that in future more extensive investigations will have to be carried out for flange connections. This applies both to flanges that are newly installed and to the replacement of flanges or gaskets in existing plants.

Another new feature of the revised version of the TA-Luft is the specification regarding flange assembly. Flanges whose tightness has been proven in accordance with the new requirements may only be installed by certified personnel.

Together with his colleague Thomas, Ralf developed a Garlock Flange Calculation Service as well as Garlock Training for bolting technicians according to DIN EN 1591-4 (Europe) in order to meet the requirements of VDI 2290 in Germany. For this purpose, a Garlock Training Center was specially designed in Neuss, a certified program was set up and audited by a certification company.


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